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To handle validation token, I'm creating below code.


global class ringcentralWebhook {


global static String doPost() {

RestRequest req = RestContext.request;

RestResponse res = RestContext.response;

String JsonBody = req.requestBody.toString();

Map<String, Object> body = (Map<String, Object>)Json.deserializeUntyped(JsonBody);

String s = String.valueOf(body);

contact c = new contact(lastName = 'test ringcentral again', description=s);

insert c;

Map<String,Object> m = (Map<String,Object>)req.headers;

String vt1 = String.valueOf(m.get('Validation-token'));

String header = 'Validation-Token';

res.addHeader(header, vt1);

res.statusCode = 200;

return String.valueOf(res);



for callout from postman: -

In Header : -

Accept application/json

Authorization Bearer myToken

Content-Type application/json

For body (raw): -


"eventFilters": [



"deliveryMode": {

"transportType": "WebHook",

"address": ""




It through error : - "errorCode": "SUB-522", "message": "WebHook responds with incorrect HTTP status. HTTP status is 500", "status": "500"

If I'm wrong in any place please correct me.

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