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We are in a trial of RingCentral right now but have run into limitations with the admin section.

We'd like to be able to apply templates to groups of users and keep track of who has what template applied.

Since this isn't possible in the UI, we thought we could do it with the API.

With the API we get Get/List templates, but I see no way to apply them to users.

How can I do this?



Not sure if there is an API for applying the user template as I am unable to find any other template API other than Get User Template List and Get User Template in the ringcentral official docs.

There need to be updated docs if the apply template API exists.

Best solution is to submit a support ticket to ask the developer support team about technical queries regarding this if any such API exists.

Here is one reference I got that allows you to do through portal

I used the above link from Anirban and it worked for me - try it and let us know if it did for you too,
