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I'm trying to make an application to do call in .net c# windows form.

I used your ringout test code. I try to call my personnal cell number, I always get this message:


in the daskboard of the sandbox, i don't see any stat about the call.

Do you get a sample code that work. Can I call a real cellular number to test my application with the sanbox number?

Here is the sample code in C# using the RingCentral .Net SDK.

Additionally, how do you login your RingCentral phone app? If you have not done so, follow the instructions here to set it up.

Here is the correct link to download the RingCentral Phone app for your desktop.

HI! The sample code you sent is exactly what i'm using already.

For the From i used the phone number provided in the sandbox

For the To I used my personal cell number ==> Can I use my cell or office phone to do test calls?

parameters.from = new MakeRingOutCallerInfoRequestFrom { phoneNumber = "sandbox phone" }; = new MakeRingOutCallerInfoRequestTo { phoneNumber = "my cell" };

I don't want to use RingCentral application, i want to do my own application.

I want to place calls, leave a message if it's the voice machine and forward the call if someone answer.

Your answer didn't really help.

Have you setup your sandbox? You should setup with at least a number and softphone and check to make sure you can call and receive calls rather than blindly test a ring out call like that.
