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I have a Sandbox account configured.

I am trying to make an outbound call to see if my webhooks are working properly but cannot make one.

I tried with the Softphone. I switch the softphone to Sandbox, can connect but I cannot make any outbound call and I read on the community that it is not working on MAC. I don't know if it is still the case.

Then from the Sandbox account, from the Call log page, I tried to click on my phone number. The RingOut popup is always asking me for a Custom phone number otherwise I cannot make any call. I tried to make my phone number or any phone number and the calls are not working.

So can someone point me out how to make a call from the Sandbox? I am fine if there are some specific number I can call. I just want to make a call, receive it and read the recording associated.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Stephanie,

My apologies for the delayed response!

Can you do a quick check and let me know what you see.
1. Login to your sandbox account
2. Click the Users tab and select the user with the phone number you were trying
3. Slect the Phones & Numbers option from the right panel. Then select the Phones tab
4. Click the Edit button and read the Device, PC name and Status values 

If status is "online", click the "Deauthorize this Computer" button and save the settings. Then from your softphone, logout and close your softphone (on MacOS, you have to Quit the app). Reopen the softphone then login and try again.

If the status is "offline", do the same steps as the above without the option to deauthorize your computer. Refresh the browser and let me know if the status stays as "offline" all time.

I don't understand your first question which has something to do with "webhooks". So please explain more about what and how you try with webhooks.

+ Phong
Hi Phong,

Thanks a lot for your answer.
Actually, on the Users tab, my user had misconfigured number. The number was under Number tab and not Phone tab. I didn't pay attention when I set it up. So I followed your instructions and now I am able to make the call from the softphone with the proper From and To numbers. Yoohoo!!!!
Concerning the webhooks part, I am connecting my application with a RingCentral account (for now the Sandbox). When connecting the account I subscribe to the RingCentral webhooks in order to be notified when a call has been made. So I did this part successfully and I am receiving all the notifications. However, I would like to record the call. I tried to follow the indications in the documentation Phone System > Auto-receptionist > Call on demand and it is ON.
When I making a call from the softphone, I am trying to click on Record but it doesn't seem to do anything, I even tried to type *9 but I have the same result. Is it working with the Sandbox or not?

Thanks for your help
can we use ring central service all around the world.Or its service is limited to some countries.
