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I am trying to add, remove and edit the phone's inventory, it is something I am able to do from Office UI, however, I need to do it through the API, is it possible?


I would like to add, edit and remove phones from the Phone Inventory, using the API, is it a way to do it?


Check AddressBook API here: for getting and updating phone numbers

Thank you for this answer @Anirban, however, what I am trying to do is to add or remove a phone number assigned to someone from the inventory of Phone Numbers, When I did it by the UI I see it is done by some call like this:

or by similar POST where cmd has different values, but those calls are using a CSRFTOKEN instead of Barear.


Hi Francisco,
I'm trying to get as much accurate info as I can from an account, and the billing API which uses the CSRFTOKEN is pretty good at displaying that info.
Could you please tell me more about how you managed to get the token? Do you need to refresh it each time? Can you use it to POST and PUT actions?
I want to assess the feasibility of using this non-exposed API, and it seems that you have figured it out.
