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Hi, developers

i am authenticating my web server application using the code below in c#

string AppKey = "my app key";

string AppSecret = "my app secret key";

var Serverurl = @"";

string AppName = "FaxOutApp";

string AppVersion = "0.0.1";

SDK sdk = new SDK(Base64Encode(AppKey), Base64Encode(AppSecret), Serverurl, AppName, AppVersion);

string UserName = "16266718052";

string Extension = "101";

string Password = "my password";

var response = sdk.Platform.Login(UserName, Extension, Password, false);

here response throw an error of HTTP Status Code : Not Found

can any one help me for this.

any help will be appreciated.


This repository is recommended:  It's more user friendly. You can follow its readme file to get your code up and running.
Hi Tyler,
thanks for you quick reply. 
when i install that repository through NuGet it throw a dependency error
here is its description

install-Package : 'Flurl.Http' already has a dependency defined for 'Newtonsoft.Json'.

how can i resolve this issue. ? 

Is it a warning or error? Could you please post a screenshot? If it's a warning, you can just ignore it. I haven't seen this before.
Hi Tyler,

actually i was using old version of NuGet now its working fine i have installed latest version of it.

Thanks for your response
