In July of 2020 RingCentral launched a program in which it monitors applications for unusual behavior and then alerts the developer who created the app to help them resolve the issue.
The most common reasons an application may be throwing a lot of errors are listed below:
* **Server Error** - HTTP status codes 50x
* **Authentication Error** - HTTP status codes 40x
* **Rate Limiting Error** - HTTP status codes 429
It is essential developers work to resolve these issues, especially if they received an alert email. *Failure to do so may result in your application being suspended.*
**How do I know what type of error my application is throwing?**
We recommend all developers maintain detailed server logs to track errors and error context. If you have access to these, they will provide you with the best and most detailed information to help you.
You can also log in to the [Developer Console](, navigate to the app and then click "Analytics." Select the End Points tab and the graph will show you all the error codes we returned for that app.
**How do I fix server errors?**
Server errors are hard to troubleshoot without access to your application's source code. Use debugging tools to isolate the problem, record additional debugging information, and then fix the problem.
**How do I fix rate limit errors?**
Your application may be throttled if you exceed the alotted number of API calls your app is permitted to make. Common reasons for this include:
* Your application is polling the system too often.
* Your application is stuck in an unintentional loop.
To learn more about how to detect a rate limiting problem, and handle it more gracefully, consult our [guide on rate limits](
**How do I fix authentication errors?**
If your application is failing to authenticate properly, consider the following possible causes:
* Your authentication credentials may have changed. This may especially be true if you use password-based auth.
* You have not implemented OAuth properly.
* You are attempting to call an endpoint beyond the scope/permission of your app.
* You are attempting to perform an operation that the current user is not permitted to perform.
* Your access token is expiring, and you need to refresh it.
**I need help, what do I do?**
If need help resolving this issue, we recommend you reach out to [Developer Support]( Be sure to include the Reference # included in the email you received from us so that we can help you faster.
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