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I am very new to coding, API ect.

Basically I am trying to import call log information using Zapier into a google sheet. There are data sample fields that are not coming through via Zapier that we require in order to use the data. "Result" data is the main field we need that will not zap through.

I have been told we need a custom API for that, but I have no idea where to start, nor do I understand what needs to be done once I have a custom API.

Any help provided would be appreciated.


Since you are new to everything, I recommend you try the API explorer to see what you would get from the call-log API, and also try from the code in a programming language you are familiar with.

- API Explorer:

- Quick start:

Also read this blog to see how the call log data can be read and parsed.

Then you can come back to ask for more specific questions so I can help you better.

Having done some work connecting a CRM to google sheets using their API and google apps script, I've come back to try to do the same thing here, again.

All I want is to pull as many detailed company call logs from the past 24 hours until now (current time) as I can into google sheets so I can count how many dials/contacts are being completed by each sales person each day. I can't even seem to pull ANY records in the past so I'm not worried about "real time" issues. Lets pull a record first.

The CRM I was working with only has Basic Auth and RC uses Oauth2 and I'm not sure how to "upgrade" my script to this style, so I have tried another way.

The other way I tried was with API Connector but it doesn't pull any records, just like my issue posted in January.

I'm using the API builder in CURL so its pretty standard url and headers.
