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Hello All,

I am trying to send the FAX. I am using the following API endpoint to send FAX:

My Account main extension ID is: 240857004

When I try to send FAX using other Extension other than main extension then it is throwing an error like



"errorCode": "CMN-408",

"message": "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [OutboundFaxes] permission for requested resource.",

"errors": [


"errorCode": "CMN-408",

"message": "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [OutboundFaxes] permission for requested resource.",

"permissionName": "OutboundFaxes"



"permissionName": "OutboundFaxes"


I have set all the users role and permission to "Super Admin" still I am facing this issue.

To get the extensions I am using the following EndPoint:

When I try to check rights for the Main account with associated extension id using the following link:

it is not showing any FAX or any other SMS permission

I didn't know the answer and I turned to a more experienced engineer from RingCentral for help. And it turned out that this issue is pretty tricky because neither of us had encountered it before.

Every extension should have OutboundFaxes permission in RC Office that I tried. I also asked the team and they said the same.

Could you please let me know your account ID and extension ID? I will escalate this issue. Thanks.


As mentioned by Tyler, a few of us have looked into this and cannot reproduce this scenario. Every extension we have has the OutboundFaxes permission.

Please create a Support Ticket using the links at the bottom of the following page or by emailing the developer support team. The support team will be able to investigate your account.


