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I am using the c# SDK.

i am beginer of ringcentral.

i have done about ringout, but i can't receive voice bitween myapp of sandbox and other phone.


var requestBody = new


from = new { phoneNumber = phoneNumber },

to = new { phoneNumber = toNum },

playPrompt = "false",

country = new { id = "1" }


_RingOutInfo = await extension.Ringout().Post(requestBody);


when this funcion was called, client soft phon was ringing.

Now what is the next step?

In order to call, what should i do?.

1. i 'd like to call using ringcentral c#

2. how to Accept Incoming Call.

3. how to Create SIP registration of a device/application:

i want you to help me.

As far as I can tell. Ringout is not the same as "call". When you do a ringout, there will be an intermediate phone number to call both the from number and the to number. And if both of them pick up the phone, they are connected via the intermediate number. 


If you want to do a test Ringout, you'd better have access to both the from number and the to number.

I don't think C# can make a direct call because it's not a phone. Maybe you are interested in if you want to make calls programmatically.
Hi Tyler,
I mention my meaning again.
I'm developing demo using C#.
This is a app demo screenshot using C#.

There is a number called (408)333-9978 for <to number> field.
I clicked <call> button.

Then softphone for (408)333-9978 ring.

I click <Answer> button.
At this moment, I can't hear anything, I can't process for phone.

For this, what API will I use?
To select microphone, what api will I use?

I checked
It used SIP.JS.


As far as I can tell, it's impossible to answer the call with C#.  As I explained, both the from number and to number ring, and both of them should be picked up in order to say something. 

C# invokes Ringout API to initiate a "call", and the "from" and "to" for the call are two phones (either hardware phone or soft phone). But neither of them is your C# app. You C# app is acting like an agent, just to invoke the Ringout api to connect these two phones. 

Frankly speaking, I don't know how to make your C# app a soft phone. I don't think it is possible because I created the C# SDK. The only way to create a soft phone that I am aware of is
Hi Tyler,
Thanks for your message.

I wanted to develop like ringcentral for desktop app using c# sdk.

I have a C# Windows Desktop database application that needs to be integrated with RingCentral.

I expect to: Receive Signal that there is an incoming call with Caller ID info, Place a call, Receive Call, Text in/out, and download Call Recording upon 'OnHook' event.

My deliverable will be a c# .net application that connects to newly programmed .DLL.

My Demo will be used as an example for working with your DLL. 

My existing RMX/DevExpress application must be able to call the functions in DLL thereby communicating directly with Ring Central.

1) Is it impossible?

2) For permission of my sandbox account, there is a VOIP.
How can I implement this using c#?

Kind Regards.

I need to turn to others for help. Because something is out of my knowledge. RingCentral for Desktop is not based on Rest API we provide and it doesn't use any of the SDKs. I need to ask my colleagues to get more technical details. Please stay tuned.
Some one told me it was possible to embed CEF and use webrtc to build a softphone. 

I am pretty sure that RingCentral Rest API doesn't support placing call(other than Ringout which is not the same as call) and receiving call.

To receive call you need softphone, webphone or physical phone.  RingCentral desktop app uses SIP directly. But we don't support customers doing the same.
If you can get C# + CEF work together. We have a good project here:

With this project, you can have a full featured phone app (including but not limited to: place call, receive call, SMS, Fax...etc.) in 10 minutes. 
Hi Tyler,
Thanks for your message.

If I use c# + CEF and source for and make demo,
can I make DLL from these sources?

The type of C# Project is ASP.NET at this time?

Kind Regards.

Hello Tylor,

I've tried to launch this project on local.

I created a file named api-config.js in folder dev-server, added following codes:

export default {
appKey: 'XXXXXXXXX',
server: '',

In terminal, I ran command.

It show error like screenshot.
Would you help?

Kind Regards
Hi Tylor,

Would you see this screenshot?

I'd like to delete 2 items I mentioned in screenshot in my previous comments.

But I can't edit my comment.

Would you send me screenshot and teach me in details?

Sorry for bothering you.

Kind Regards
