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I'm just wondering is clientId and clientSecret is same as appKey and appSecret. if so is any specific reason we have to set both. Thanks

return array(

'username' => '15xx53xx1', // your RingCentral account phone number

'extension' => '101', // or number

'password' => 'dsfXGfMdsfTdxsdfd',

'clientId' => 'sdfdst93w',

'clientSecret' => 'Vp7N7TwDsdfdsFbIuTaSINT84wNCWbODRQ',

'server' => '', // for production -

'smsNumber' => '1800xxxx095', // any of SMS-enabled numbers on your RingCentral account

'mobileNumber' => '146xxx76', // your own mobile number to which script will send sms

'dateFrom' => '2018-07-10', // dateFrom

'dateTo' => '2018-07-12', // dateTo

'appKey' => 'sdfdst93w',

'appSecret' => 'Vp7N7TwDsdfdsFbIuTaSINT84wNCWbODRQ',


Those are not real

Hey Nibu,

They are the same things. Just the terminology thing and they are used to be AppKey/AppSecret. We've updated some SDK including the .PHP one to use the new terms clientID/clientSecret.

+ Phong
