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Does anyone know if the RingCentral API (getSubscription / Presence) is down? I also submitted a help ticket, but didn't get a response.

yesterday morning API calls stopped working for me. I can get an access token, but when I try to make an API call with that access token I'm getting an error that I didn't supply an authorization token
We are looking into this and will post back here when we have more info. Thanks.

We are having this same problem as well. I spent 3 hours today trying to figure out why our e-fax implementation had broken.
From what we know so far, it seems that OAuth tokens are being generated but not processed upon Stay tuned as we investigate more.
We have tested the system successfully and it should be operational again. Please try it out everyone. Thanks.

Hi John,
RingCentral API is working fine for us (Sikka Software) now - Thank you.
It appears to be working for us now too. Thanks

How about adding the 'RingCentral API' service status on your main RingCnetral Service Status / Health check site (, so that we don't end up wasting hours on our Apps trying to debug our programs, when your service is down. You currently have the Service Status / Health check for all your other services. 
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