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So, I have been trying to set up the Call Log API and am getting errors when trying to obtain the oAuth token. I have a seperate post here that describes the issue. I called today to see if I could get some help from support. I told them I was still working in the sandbox area and not in production. She kept saying "Sandbox API is a different company, you have to call them." I went back and forth with her for a while then she gave me a phone number. I called the number and it just goes to some Malware research company.

You can contact developer support team here

For sandbox and API support

Hmm...can you tell me who you spoke with? I can reach out to them for any miscommunication. My name is Suyash and I work at RingCentral in the Developer Advocacy team and can confirm that our APIs are RC APIs and not someone else. You should be able to use CallLog API, were you able to configure OAuth properly?

Hi Suyash,
Thank you for the reply. I do not recall the name of the lady I spoke with. Unfortunately, I am still having an issue with OAuth. I am using the sandbox credentials as the app has not graduated to production. I have tried multiple things to get OAuth working and even tried changing my password but no matter what I get "Invalid resource owner credentials". I even tried using the /oauth/token tool in the API Explorer (!/Authentication/oauth_token_post) and get the same error. I did try the live chat after the phone call but they said their support in the dev area is limited and advised to email the developer support team. I emailed all details with screen prints but have not heard back yet. I am not sure if this may be related but I am also unable to login to I mentioned that to the live support rep as well and he had a case opened. I did get an email yesterday from Rodolfo Saabo confirming that a case was opened. It's odd because I am able to login to and with no issues. Let me know if you need any more info.


Mike Archipley

When you receive the error message "Invalid resource owner credentials", it means that your code is working, your API call reached the platform server but some parameters are incorrect and in this case, mostly the username and password. You should search this community with that error message for old question/answer for quick help such as this old thread (

To double check if your username and password are correct, you can try to login your sandbox service web ( And if you can login your sandbox with that username and password, use that exact username and password (and extension number if specified) to login the sandbox platform using your code. If you still failed to login, then I need to know how you call the /auth API to get authenticated. There are also getting started sample codes in different programming languages. See this one ( for the call log example.

Thanks for the response. I was finally able to get it working by passing the paramaters as a raw text string in the request body. It seems that even the API explorer sends it as form data with key value pairs and this is why it does not work there either.
