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Issue in authorization c# SDK

  • 19 July 2017
  • 5 replies

Hi, i am having issue with authorization when using c# SDK. i am using below code to get access token from c#.

using RingCentral;   

rc = new RestClient("appKey", "appSecret");

var tokenResponse = rc.Authorize("username", "extension", "password");

i am getting status in tokenResponse always "waitingForActivation" whether using any appKey or appSecretKey or any user name password does not matter.

every time i am getting same response in status that "waitingForActivation".

we have already install RingCentral nuget package into our project.

please help me on it

It should work with the following code.

await rc.Authorize("username", "extension", "password");
// get the token if you want to
var tokenString = rc.token.access_token;

+ Paco
Could you please post the full response message? (Including the HTTP status code and error message code).

It's not a NuGet issue as long as you can compile your app.

Above mention error got changed after applying "await" now Its giving me below error

Request to failed with status code 400 (Bad Request).

ErrorResponseBody : 
  "error" : "unauthorized_client",
  "error_description" : "Unauthorized for this grant type"

It's probably because you selected a wrong platform type for your app. If you expect to login from your server code then choose the "Server-only" type. See this reference for more details about platform type (

Now you can create a new app with a correct platform type and try again.

+ Paco
You can search this forum by keyword "grant type" and check the history issues. You are not alone.
