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Ok, before I begin, is this the best place to report a (possible) developer related bug? If not, please let me know.

The API docs for call log ( ) mention a "recording" response. Is this something that only exists if a call recording was made? Neither sample data set below shows it.

Secondly, "message" as a response is not documented. It is shown in Example 1, and I get it in my tests, but it isn't documented.

A recording element will only be returned for those calls that contain a recording. In other words, the presence of the element indicates a recording exists for the call.

Here is more information about how to access call recording data:

Regarding the "message" element... can you provide a sanitized sample output so that I can see it in context, and I will follow up with the team that maintains the API reference?

The existence of the "message" element is similar to the "recording" element existence, except it is for a call record with a voicemail or a fax.

You can read this blog to find out more about reading the call log

Thank you Phong (both of you) - but is it a documentation bug that message isn't shown in the API docs?
