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Hello team,

While testing the warm transfer functionality we found the below. could you please check and let me know what can be done.

Customer calls in the call centre and gets connected with agent 1

Agent 1 wants to talk to agent 2 before informing anything to the customer and does the warm transfer to agent 2 to talk internally.

After talking for some time agent 1 decides to do the complete transfer to agent 2 .

Once agent 1 does this agent 2 receives the inbound call and gets connected to the customer and start talking.

Meanwhile agent 1 receives the hang up details. Everything works fine till now.

Now when agent 2 disconnects the call with the customer notification for hang up doesnt comes up properly, it is mentioned below.

I think the from": "70002", field should be coming with the customer number rather than extension number of the agent 1, it should be like this from": "+919740398923". Please suggest.

Notification Event

"uuid": "6a0231ed-5185-4bbb-9a1d-14220bc71786",

"event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/1251533021/extension/62409834007/presence?detai


"timestamp": "2016-10-27T11:51:11.258Z",

"subscriptionId": "2acdf0de-15ec-4dbe-a242-d0616b5fbe53",

"body": {

"extensionId": 62409834007,

"telephonyStatus": "NoCall",

"activeCalls": [


"id": "d9d0471746e64e35b99b746a3336d1e1",

"direction": "Inbound",

"from": "70002",

"to": "70001",

"telephonyStatus": "NoCall",

"sessionId": "203823548007",

"terminationType": "final"



"sequence": 155546921,

"presenceStatus": "Available",

"userStatus": "Available",

"dndStatus": "TakeAllCalls",

"allowSeeMyPresence": true,

"ringOnMonitoredCall": false,

"pickUpCallsOnHold": false


Which C# SDK are you using please (URL + version)?

Typically when issues with SDKs are posted on the Github Issue Tracker for the respective code, but we have an official C# SDK and a community C# SDK, so I want to route this issue to the correct location please.
This is not a C# specific issue. Because the user is complaining that "customer notification for hang up doesnt come up properly". The content of the notification is determined by platform server side.
Cannot reproduce on my account, scenario is the same, e.g.
1. Customer ("+18445940104") calls to Agent 1 ("102")
2. Agent 1 makes Warm Transfer to Agent 2 ("101")
3. Agent 1 completes Warm transfer to Agent 2
4. Agent 2 disconnects the call with the Customer, "NoCall' notification in this case looks correct, see below:

      "uuid": "65789472-ca28-4328-b511-b2cf6e594ac0",
      "event": "/restapi/v1.0/account/400540024006/extension/400540024006/presence?detailedTelephonyState=true&sipData=true",
      "timestamp": "2016-11-07T13:08:08.584Z",
      "subscriptionId": "c97ee472-dc07-4e7d-8c5d-1076a365fb97",
      "body": {
         "extensionId": 400540024006,
         "telephonyStatus": "NoCall",
         "activeCalls": [
               "id": "be479380f348417e9ee760950d7a5d4d",
               "direction": "Inbound",
               "from": "+18445940104",
               "to": "101",
               "telephonyStatus": "NoCall",
               "sipData": {
                  "toTag": "b47f68d32c9746fbb3045afa9428cb2a",
                  "fromTag": "",
                  "remoteUri": "",
                  "localUri": ""
               "sessionId": "403363265006",
               "terminationType": "final"
         "sequence": 4497,
         "presenceStatus": "Available",
         "userStatus": "Available",
         "dndStatus": "TakeAllCalls",
         "allowSeeMyPresence": true,
         "ringOnMonitoredCall": false,
         "pickUpCallsOnHold": false

Can you share some scenario details please? E.g. Agents set up (are they in any Call Queue? Call Park orbits group, etc), any other info.
