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We are having issues with graduating our app from sandbox to production. We only have two permissions "Call Control" and "Webhook Subscriptions". The webhook subscription is setup such a way that for every call webhooks are sent realtime. The notification is the "Account Telephony Sessions Event" [0] which requires the "Call Control" permission. We have successfuly created and read the webhook subscirption API and it shows as green in the "Exercise all requested permissions" list for graduation. We called the sandbox number more than 50 times with 100% success and received the webhook with the JSON data for "Account Telephony Sessions Event". But the "Call Control" permission still is showing red. We would like to put this system to production but the "Apply for Production" button is disabled (obviously). Please let us know what we are missing.


Tagging @Phong Vu

Upvote +1

What is the solution for this? I ran into the exact same problem.
