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I have created a custom button while i am working my apex project during salesforce training project for vf page using javascript.but its showing error like ....

A problem with the OnClick JavaScript for this button or link was encountered:

missing ; before statement

f({!Quote__c.Approved_Artwork_Attached__c} == 0)
alert('Approved Artwork has not been uploaded');
window.location.href ="/apex/Testing?CF00N9000000810yt={!Quote__c.Opportunity__c}&CF00N9000000810yu={!Quote__c.Id}&CF00N9000000810yx={!Quote__c.Company_Name__c}&recordTypeName={!Quote__c.Record_type_name__c}";

if({!Quote__c.Approved_Artwork_Attached__c} == 0)
alert('Approved Artwork has not been uploaded');
window.location.href ="/apex/Testing?quoteId={!Quote__c.Id}& setDefaultValues=true";

How this is related to RingCentral platform? If it is not related to RingCentral platform at all, I think you should ask from this forum to get better help.
