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We have been testing a faxing integration using our sandbox account and just started receiving the message "you did not have enough available calling credits to send this fax".

Looked it up online and found this link that states that it is because we have blown through 1000 minutes of faxing this month. However, using the instructions in the link we checked our account usage and it says we have only used 508 minutes.

Any other reason this could be happening?

We apologize for the documentation mistake. As per our new plan, the Sandbox account will have 500 minutes for the calling credits.

The Calling Credits would be added on a monthly cycle, so once you exhaust all the available calling credits on your account. You would have to wait until the next Cycle ( next month ) to get the next set of callingCredits on your Sandbox account.

We think for testing purposes, the above number should suffice all the development needs. However, since you are in the middle of your development, I can check with my team and allocate more minutes.

Please submit a help ticket with your sandbox details and I can get back to you at the earliest.

