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Hi all,

We are testing out the Notification Add-in type. Within RingCentral Developers, we can install to team to get a preview of what the {{ WEBHOOK_URL }} looks like.
The last URI path is a JWT, and it decodes to be

"ot": "c",
"oi": "<numericString>,
"id": "<numericString>

May I please ask what each JSON key-value pair represents? Thank you

Sorry but I don't understand your question. Can you refer to the source of information you get the JSON object from? And what is the JWT related to this?

Hi @Joe Lam I don't think that you need to decode the JWT string. The JWT is different for every user/chat team/installation. Every user with permission can add same add-in installation into a team multiple times.
You can use full string to identify if current is new installation or editing old installation. When user setup old installation, the RingCentral app will send same JWT string to your app


Thank you.

This helped us understand the scope of `{{ WEBHOOK_URL }}`

> JWT is different for every user/chat team/installation. Every user with permission can add same add-in installation into a team multiple times
