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We are trying to add a link from our internal web applications to open the RingCentral web app and display the sms/text history for a particular phone number. This would let the user see the SMS history first, and then decide if they wish to send a message.

The options we have researched so far (to no avail) are:

1. Using the Tel:URI - While this does open the RingCentral web app, it only does it for audio phone calls, and not sms text/history. (e.g. : rcapp://r/dialer?number=+5555555555)

2. Finding the back-end ID for a particular SMS number and opening the URI directly (e.g.{backend-id-for-number-here} )

(Note: Currently, the only way we can do this is to open up the RingCentral app, make the user manually type in the phone number, and manually navigate to the sms history section. This is tedious and time consuming given the many times it needs to be done).

Other suggestions welcome.

Right now, for SMS we just have this universal link URL scheme href="" to launch the "Phone" tab, where you can see the "Text" section and a list of SMS recipients.

Regarding my option #2 above, it appears to be giving a 32 character hexadecimal ID that is unique to each phone number (e.g. ). Is there a back-end way of getting this ID from an associated phone number? If there was, we would be able to direct users straight to the RingCentral web site sms history page for a particular user.

For that, where did you get the information from? What could be the backend-id, conversation id or phone number or some id?

To be honest, I have not seen that in any documentation and I know that the Universal URLs for SMS are not implemented for the RC app yet.
