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We have an application that archives company meeting recordings using RingCentral APIs. The app is authorized as a Super Admin so that it has permissions to act for all users.

1. Get list of all extensions in company


2. For each extension, retrieve list of meeting recordings ($user->id extracted from Query 1)

/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/' . $user->id . '/meeting-recordings

3. For each meeting recording for the user, check if the file exists on Company Archive storage. If not, download the file and sync it to Archive storage.

On October 20, we started receiving 401 Unauthorized requests. I observed two changes here: (See below errors)

  • The server where meetings are held changed from to
  • Requests to download now require Authorization header.

Once we added the Authorization header to downloads, we were stable for about 4 days.

Come October 24, we started consistently seeing 503 Service Unavailable.
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 503 Service Unavailable

How can I trace the source of the 503's, as they are consistent and occur regularly?

Since this happens on your production account, could you please create a support ticket so our developer support team can help?


Hey Phong, I already have tickets open 🙂 11687118 and 11691620


Ok, let me ping the support team and follow up with them. Thanks!
