It is the Python standard lib. You just need to import the lib
import time
Alright, I got that working. But now, the script just cycles through "check task creation status" until it exceeds the API limits. It doesn't actually do an export. And even though the analytics in my account shows over 1000 successful API calls, "status and review" shows "Your app hasn't made any API calls in Sandbox yet." All I'm trying to do here is export our SMS messages.
In the example, to keep it short, I assumed that the task would be created successfully after some time. So I don't check for other statuses. You should check other statuses and decide when to stop the loop.
Other task statuses: Accepted, Pending, InProgress, AttemptFailed, Failed, Completed, Cancelled
def get_message_store_report_task(taskId):
print("check task creation status ...")
endpoint = "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/message-store-report/" + taskId
response = platform.get(endpoint)
json = response.json()
if json.status == "Completed":
The status is Failed. How do I find out why the status is Failed?
Ok, I figured out that the script was failing because my time range was too large. It seems to be successful now in generating an export, but when it goes to download it there is a 404 error. If I try and open the URL that is displayed by the script, I also get a 404 error. Any ideas?
How did you download? Using exact code in the example? You cannot use the download url and open it from the browser unless you attach your access token to it.
Well the URL had a token in it. Regardless, the script itself is generating a 404 error.
And this happens on your production account?