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How do messages tie back to call logs? I need to get the message information for all call legs/logs that resulted in a voicemail, and cannot find the relationship between the two objects. Currently, the only IDs that I see in the detailed message data are the messageId and attachementId. The call logs have a sessionId, but I do not know what this ties to, and the call legs only have a callLogId, and a LegId.

Any help in identifying the relationship would be greatly appreciated.


You're correct, this is not the easiest or most transparent task to accomplish.

Voicemails are stored in the Message Store and contain an ID for each message: voicemail/fax/sms.
Requests to Message Store can be filtered by type="VoiceMail", direction="Inbound", and dateFrom={{beginning_time_to_search_from}}

The response contains records, each record contains properties which can be used to map this type of reverse-lookup:
- uri: which has the URI to the associated Extension
- creationTime
- to: who called/created the voicemail
- from: the target for the voicemail

Requests to Call Log can be filtered by type="Voice", direction="Inbound", view="Detailed", and dateFrom/dateTo={{isolationTimeBasedOnMessageResponse}}

Each of the records will contain a "result" property which will be "VoiceMail" in the cases where a voicemail was left.

You can also reverse this and pull Call Logs, extracting where result=VoiceMail and then conduct the messageStore lookups for the appropriate Extensions using dateTo/dateFrom.
