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Any chance of getting SMS enabled on my sandbox account. Trying to do a POC to see if RC suits our needs.


Sandbox number?

Yes Sandbox. Trying to build new partner app.

I am asking what is your sandbox number?

Sorry. 18024486628

I enabled it locally but it seems not working. Please try from your app and if it fails, submit a dev support ticket and the team will help to enable it from our SMS upstream service.

Yes got error from API saying.

"messageStatus": "SendingFailed",

Will open ticket.

Hi Matthew,

I believe your sandbox number is still not provisioned. It takes longer time now because the team is getting to the bottom of the issue and solve it once for any new sandbox phone number.

Your patience is much appreciated!

New question. Are they any webooks so can be notified of incoming SMS messages? Or need to Poll via Api?
