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Multiple account phone numbers?

  • 23 August 2019
  • 1 reply

I've walked through a couple of different tutorials and now have more than one "sandbox" account. I asked a question over on Stack Overflow about whether this was a problem (or if there would be a problem if I _merged_ multiple accounts into one).

Right now, though, I'm also wondering about the phone numbers automatically assigned to these accounts. Are these numbers persistent? Are they exclusive? Is there a problem if I accrue multiple numbers, or are they reused for other sandbox apps as well?

Hi Eric,

Great to see you online here :)

In the production environment, you can link accounts as you need. I am not sure if we support this feature in sandbox. I will double-check and let you know.

You cannot merge accounts though. Remember that each sandbox account can have only up to 4 users. If you need more users, submit a support ticket.

Only the main company number is automatically assigned to your sandbox account. You can "purchase" more numbers for extensions for your test. The numbers you "purchased" will be persistent and exclusive as long as you don't delete them.

No, you cannot transfer a number from one sandbox account to another sandbox account.
