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I'm planning to integrate an analytics app with RingCentral, and I would like to have some help regarding the following questions:

1. When I create a new user, an extension is automatically assigned e.g 101 but then I cannot find anyway to assign more extension to my users. It seems that a user can only have one extension assigned. Is this right? I have a lot of situations where my customers have multiple extensions (phones in different rooms) assigned to a single user.

2. I found some documentation that talk about departments eg. however I cannot find any option to create departments on my sandbox account. Is this a legacy feature?

3. It seems that RingCentral allows to link multiple accounts, so in a scenario where I have a customer with 2 accounts can I use a single user/single app to request call logs data through the API for both accounts? Or do I need to have an app registration for each one?

4. Some API endpoints eg. "Search Company Directory Entries" returns information about sites, however I cannot find any option to create sites on my sandbox account. And it seems there is no API endpoint to returnmanage sites. Is this a legacy features?

5. The endpoint "Get Company Call Log Records" response include a field named "lastModifiedTime". Is this means that is possible to call this endpoint twice and have different data for the same call (because it has been updated in the meanwhile)? In which scenarios are the call data modified after its end?

6. I've been waiting for the release of the new Analytics API in order to get performance data about calls. However according to the documentation it seems this API only returns aggregated data, so it will not be possible to have metrics at the call level (eg TalkTime, RingTime, HoldTime), is there any plans to have an endpoint with raw data at the call level? I know that I can calculate metrics using notifications/webhook but it will be nicer if those kind of that were available through the API.

"any PC, laptop, tablet or phone can be a ringcentral phone (one per extension)"

ref: here which means yes one user will have only one extension and phone. You cannot provide multiple to a single user

Can I have some help with the questions' list above? The clarification of those questions are very important for us in order to integrate with RingCentral.

@Anirban Thanks for your reply.

Are you able to provide any information about the other questions?

Hi Jorge, I see you have multiple questions in this thread and in other threads. May I ask if you are planning to implement integration for your company or for other RingCentral customers? Do you have a production account? It could be worth to have a call with me so I can walk you thru all your questions and I can learn more about what you are trying to achieve. Feel free to reach me @
