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Need a developer to help with outbound calls and display numbers

  • 28 April 2017
  • 3 replies

Hi there,

I am hoping someone can help with this.

I have purchased a number of phone numbers from Ring Central (different area codes for across the country) (Country is Canada).

What I am looking to have done is when my staff are calling people in other locations (say a 403 area code for example) to have our caller ID show as our 403 area code phone number we purchased automatically. If we are calling a 604 number for example, to have our 604 number displayed.

Manually setting the outbound caller id for each phone call is not an option. I did find an article on stackoverflow of someone trying to accomplish the same thing.

If you feel this is something you can help with please let me know I am very interested in getting this done asap!

Thank you

Hi Shane,

I've been doing some research into this possibility for you. Unfortunately for the moment there is no programmatic way to set the caller ID using RingCentral's REST APIs.

What you're requesting is a longstanding bug that as far as I know has yet to be resolved.

Our company would be happy to help you, unfortunately we haven't come up with a workaround for your use case (yet).

Stay tuned.
Thank you for the reply. I appreciate you taking the time to look into this (and with all due respect - hope that you are wrong!).

If you are able to come up with a workaround for this problem, please let me know!

Thank you
