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Need to reset developer/sandbox credentials - how can I remove another user's account?

  • 12 April 2016
  • 3 replies

I'm in a bit of a pickle. Back in December we had an old developer start to work on the RingCentral integration with our software that we are developing. He is no longer with the company, but we are now starting to work on integrating RingCentral again. I have created a totally new app, but I seem to have no ability to remove the original developer's user account, and, more importantly, it's using the same sandbox credentials and says it wants to reset the password and send it to his email.

I want to try and remove his account from the equation totally if possible and kind of start fresh with new sandbox credentials and everything, but I can't figure out how to go about doing that. I am the SuperAdmin for our RingCentral account but can't do much of anything. Any help I could get with this would be much appreciated!

3 replies

Something like this happened to us.  I don't think that you can remove projects using the Developer portal.  We contacted Ring Central through our salesman.  The Ring Central developer support team was able to fix our problem

Access is controlled through your RingCentral Online Account Portal (https://service[.devtest] respectively for the Sandbox and Production accounts. Once you relinquish access to a user in your account here, that person is no longer able to access the Developer Portal or your RingCentral account. Currently, we don't support deleting applications once defined, but Dave Welch is correct on one approach to remove this data from view if it is troubling to you.

You can also submit a support ticket to request that a developer/app is removed from your Developer Portal dashboard.

That's why I'm so confused. This person isn't even a user on our RingCentral system at all any more. Or maybe that's the problem. I'm not sure. I'll probably just open up a case. Thanks!
