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HiI am developing the Api to integrate ringcentral with my php application. But i am unable to authenticate it.

The 2 legged authentication php api you provided returning the "unauthorized_client". And i am not able to make it work. As per the suggestion related to the issue i switched to using 3 legged authentication. And the 3 legged authentication is processing up to getting username password. When i am entering the phone number and password which i used to login to my account It shows the error message "Phone number and password do not match. Please try again. Click here for more help or reset your password." I know the password is not wrong. But i can not get over this issue. Can you guide on me on this.

If you are in sandbox environment please make sure you can login  (for production it's

If you cannot login then it's you account's issue and it has nothing to do with PHP or OAuth flow.
If you can login and still cannot get over it, please reply .
Thanks for the reply Tyler.

I am in sanbox environment. I tried logging in to  url. Which displays the similar error i mentioned in this thread's question. But i am able to login  with that number and password.

What changes i should do in my account to make it work?


Login, find your app, under the credentials tab, find the User Account Credentials which you can use to do testing.

If you still cannot make it work, please send an email to the developer support team or submit a support ticket.

Thank you Tyler,

I am able to authorize now. But I am wondering if this 3 legged authentication will only work for only one main user as given in under the credentials?

I thought to use it for all the agents users. So that every API operation can be done under their respective credentials.

Or they will have to create the developer account to sync with the API? I highly doubt it because If they are going to do that then they can't sync with this Application.

Anyway I will mail this to the developer support team anyway regarding this issue referencing this thread.

Thanks for the support Tyler

-- Jose

If agent users cannot login then it's an account issue instead of a programming issue. 3 legged authentication won't work unless the user account can login.

By the way, there are two types of apps: public apps and private apps. I am not sure a public app could solve your issue or not. You can have a try:

Private apps will be available for the users belonging to your RingCentral account only. Public apps will be available for users from other RingCentral accounts as well.
