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using RingCentralSDK

I am not able to get token.

when ever i try to authorize it gives error "Unauthorized for this grant type"

here is my code

Unauthorized for this grant type

using RingCentral;

using RingCentral.Http;

using System.Net.Http;

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

using Newtonsoft.Json;

/// <summary>

/// Summary description for Bulk_sms

/// </summary>

public class Bulk_sms


public string authid = "PZurrww4RtyPR1it0KyI9w", authtoken = "sJoF2hukSg637r-f3p2JwAbYUFC1ohQuO13obpG4MBYg", account = "+13133956838", password = "sagar@123";

public ApiResponse send_bulk(string src, string dest, string text)




src = "+" + src;

dest = "+" + dest;

var sdk2 = new SDK(authid, authtoken, SDK.Server.Sandbox, "SMS", "1");

sdk2.Platform.Login(account, "101", password, true);

//var body = text;

//var from = src;

//var to = dest;

//var jsonData = "{"to": [{"phoneNumber": "" + to + ""}]," +

// ""from": {"phoneNumber": "" + from + ""}," +

// ""text": "" + text + "" }";

//string SmsEndPoint = "/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/sms";

//Request request = new Request(SmsEndPoint, jsonData);

//ApiResponse response = sdk2.Platform.Post(request);

//return response;

var requestBody = new


text = text,

from = new { phoneNumber = src },

to = new object[] { new { phoneNumber = dest } }


var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody);

var request = new Request("/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/sms", jsonString);

ApiResponse response = sdk2.Platform.Post(request);

return response;


catch (Exception)





Please Help Me...????????

Hi Sagar,

You code is not really readable. I guess you are trying to use the RingCentral C# SDK right? Please use this SDK and read the instructions and see sample code on the README page to setup and use the SDK correctly.

You need to create and initialize a client instance
using RingCentral;
rc = new RestClient("appKey", "appSecret");

Then call the authorize function to get the accessToken
await rc.Authorize("username", "extension", "password");  
Goto the Send SMS section to see how to post a SMS request.

Read this for more information about SMS!#RefSMSMessages.html

Hope this helps,
+ Phong

Hi Sagar,

Please search this community for "Unauthorized for this grant type". This question has been answered. It is not a coding issue but an account issue. Phone is correct that you should use

my app platform-Type : Browser-Base
i am developing a web-app/ website in C#

i have tried the ringcentral-csharp-client
i do not get the token  it just keeps on waiting to get token response.
it just do not go beyond await.
in testing api it tried to send a message using phone number  and it was delivered.

here is my code

using System;
using RingCentral;

        private static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> GetAuthorized()
            RestClient rc = null;

            string appKey = "PZuit0KyI9w";
            string appSecret = "sJoF2hukSg637r-f3p2JwAbYUFC1ohQuO13obpG4MBYg";
            string phoneNumber = "";
            string password = "";

            rc = new RestClient(appKey, appSecret);

            await rc.Authorize(phoneNumber, "101",password);

            var tokenString = rc.token.access_token;

            var extension = rc.Restapi().Account().Extension();

            var requestBody = new
                text = "hello -- Vidhyut",
                from = new { phoneNumber = phoneNumber },
                to = new object[] { new { phoneNumber = "+15162190172" } }

            var response = await extension.Sms().Post(requestBody);

            return tokenString;

please help me.
What could be the Grant Type if i am using RingCentral.Client.

I am developing this application in ASP.Net WebForm 

Please guide me

Hi Sagar,

With the Browser-Base platform type, you have to implement the 3-legged authentication. See this demo for some code and understanding the flow.

Otherwise, you have to change the platform type to Server/Web and access RingCentral APIs from the your server code.

Unfortunately, you cannot change the platform type after your app is created. Either you create a new app and select the correct type. Or let me know your app name so I can help change it.

+ Phong
Does Anyone have code snippet for oauth 2.0 for web-form.
then please help me by providing it.

Thank You.
