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Good afternoon,

We have integrated with the sandbox environment and receiving text messages no problem for the past few months. Since this morning, we have not been able to send a message, even directly through the Swagger test. Not sure what could be affecting this but any assistance would be appreciated:


"uri": ";,

"id": 4056154004,

"to": [


"phoneNumber": "+xxx"



"from": {

"phoneNumber": "+xxx"


"type": "SMS",

"creationTime": "2018-02-21T18:47:36.000Z",

"readStatus": "Read",

"priority": "Normal",

"attachments": [


"id": 4056154004,

"uri": ";,

"type": "Text",

"contentType": "text/plain"



"direction": "Outbound",

"availability": "Alive",

"subject": "Test SMS using a RingCentral Developer account - test",

"messageStatus": "Queued",

"smsSendingAttemptsCount": 1,

"conversationId": 4905502763407868000,

"conversation": {

"id": "4905502763407867532",

"uri": "";


"lastModifiedTime": "2018-02-21T18:47:37.189Z"


It might be a temporary issue for sandbox. Do you still experience this issue now?

The best way to come to a conclusion is to wait for sometime and keep checking the message status via API. There is always possibilities to have a delay in message delivery based on network bandwidth and traffic.
