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Could someone could explain me how works notification on app? It should be straightforward function but it's not...

I never received push notifications even if I activated under setting>team>each message.

Anyway it's not exactly what I want. In web version, I set-up some team to receive each message, some to not. But whatever I never got notified. Neither with badge on the icon (even if activated for each non-read).



Version Android

Dear Mlanie, 

It could be compatibility problem of your Android OS ROM or some specific OS level settings problem etc. But we can't diagnose your problem without your app logs(no sensitive info would be collected, only for engineering troubleshooting use), could you provide the app log via below steps? 
Steps with 2 screenshots FYI:
1. In any Glip message conversation, type /debug
2. You will be led to Debug Console screen as below, turn on the toggle of Enable Logging
3. Back to conversation and play around, when you encounter the no notifications problem again, send app log via Report Issue in Help of your "Settings".

We would like to get you back asap, sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for letting us know your problem!

Alex from RingCentral Team
This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Unable to receive notifications on mobile device (Android) when the app is inacti.... We started using Glip app across our organization 2 weeks back and noticed that for any of us using it on our mobile devices that we are not receiving push notifications. Yes we have push notifications enabled, yet we don't receive when the app is inactive (closed).
