I'm having an issue building out my first RingCentral app. Using PHP 7 with the RingCentral PHP SDK fetched via Composer.
The idea here is the app will need to be authorized once upon startup, and will stay logged in as long as the app is running, allowing any user who queries the app to achieve a result from RingCentral, parsed in a manner acceptable for my org.
When the app goes through the oauth2 login flow, upon success it will store the access token to a cache (Redis):
if (isset($_REQUEST['oauth2callback'])){
if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
$qs = $platform->parseAuthRedirectUrl($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$qs["redirectUri"] = $RINGCENTRAL_REDIRECT_URL;
$_SESSION['sessionAccessToken'] = $platform->auth()->data();
$redis->set("accessToken", serialize($_SESSION['sessionAccessToken']));
On every subsequent page load that requires the app to be authenticated with RingCentral, we check if the token exists, and set it on the platform object if appropriate. Else, we'll redirect to the login flow.
$platform = $rcsdk->platform();
if (! $redis->get("accessToken")) {
header("Location: " . $host);
else {
$_SESSION['sessionAccessToken'] = $redis->get('accessToken');
$platform->auth()->setData( unserialize( $_SESSION['sessionAccessToken'] ) );
Based on the README for the php SDK, the platform object is capable of refreshing the token itself in the event that the access token expires.
The app has a component where it runs a cron job periodically to seed it's database with fresh data from the RC API:
// Log in to the API
require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use RingCentralSDKHttpHttpException;
use RingCentralSDKHttpApiResponse;
use RingCentralSDKSDK;
$platform = $rcsdk->platform();
if (! $redis->get("accessToken")) {
die("Cron is exiting because the app is not logged in");
// Get the call records
$platform->auth()->setData( unserialize( $redis->get("accessToken") ) );
try {
$apiResponse = $rcsdk->platform()->get('/restapi/v1.0/account/~/active-calls', array( "Direction" => "Inbound", "view" => "Detailed")) ;
catch (RingCentralSDKHttpApiException $e) {
// Getting error messages using PHP native interface
print 'RC API Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
// Store to DB
$redis->set("callLog", serialize($apiResponse->json()->records));
echo "Refreshed the call data!";
After about an hour of leaving the application running, the cron starts dieing out on:
RC API Error: Token not found
I was able to dump the request and response objects when I get a Token not found error:
Expected HTTP Error: Token not found
GuzzleHttpPsr7Request Object
[method:GuzzleHttpPsr7Request:private] => POST
[requestTarget:GuzzleHttpPsr7Request:private] =>
[uri:GuzzleHttpPsr7Request:private] => GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri Object
[scheme:GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri:private] => https
[userInfo:GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri:private] =>
[host:GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri:private] => platform.ringcentral.com
[port:GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri:private] =>
[path:GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri:private] => /restapi/oauth/token
[query:GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri:private] =>
[fragment:GuzzleHttpPsr7Uri:private] =>
[headers:GuzzleHttpPsr7Request:private] => Array
[Host] => Array
[0] => platform.ringcentral.com
[Authorization] => Array
[Content-Type] => Array
[0] => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
[accept] => Array
[0] => application/json
[User-Agent] => Array
[0] => Unnamed/0.0.0 Linux/4.4.0-18362-Microsoft PHP/7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.6 RCPHPSDK/2.2.3
[RC-User-Agent] => Array
[0] => Unnamed/0.0.0 Linux/4.4.0-18362-Microsoft PHP/7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.6 RCPHPSDK/2.2.3
[headerNames:GuzzleHttpPsr7Request:private] => Array
[authorization] => Authorization
[content-type] => Content-Type
[accept] => accept
[user-agent] => User-Agent
[rc-user-agent] => RC-User-Agent
[host] => Host
[protocol:GuzzleHttpPsr7Request:private] => 1.1
[stream:GuzzleHttpPsr7Request:private] => GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream Object
[stream:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => Resource id #68
[size:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => 408
[seekable:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => 1
[readable:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => 1
[writable:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => 1
[uri:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => php://temp
[customMetadata:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => Array
GuzzleHttpPsr7Response Object
[reasonPhrase:GuzzleHttpPsr7Response:private] => Bad Request
[statusCode:GuzzleHttpPsr7Response:private] => 400
[headers:GuzzleHttpPsr7Response:private] => Array
[Server] => Array
[0] => nginx
[Date] => Array
[0] => Wed, 15 Jul 2020 23:08:13 GMT
[Content-Type] => Array
[0] => application/json;charset=utf-8
[Content-Length] => Array
[0] => 161
[Connection] => Array
[0] => keep-alive
[X-Application-Context] => Array
[0] => application:8080
[Content-Language] => Array
[0] => en
[RCRequestId] => Array
[0] => 0edf196e-c6f0-11ea-8fa3-005056af98c7
[Pragma] => Array
[0] => no-cache
[Cache-Control] => Array
[0] => no-store
[AceRoutingKey] => Array
[0] => iad41-c01-ace02.4d0d56f5-b9cf-11ea-afde-0050568d0f78
[RoutingKey] => Array
[0] => SJC01P06
[headerNames:GuzzleHttpPsr7Response:private] => Array
[server] => Server
[date] => Date
[content-type] => Content-Type
[content-length] => Content-Length
[connection] => Connection
[x-application-context] => X-Application-Context
[content-language] => Content-Language
[rcrequestid] => RCRequestId
[pragma] => Pragma
[cache-control] => Cache-Control
[aceroutingkey] => AceRoutingKey
[routingkey] => RoutingKey
[protocol:GuzzleHttpPsr7Response:private] => 1.1
[stream:GuzzleHttpPsr7Response:private] => GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream Object
[stream:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => Resource id #76
[size:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] =>
[seekable:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => 1
[readable:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => 1
[writable:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => 1
[uri:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => php://temp
[customMetadata:GuzzleHttpPsr7Stream:private] => Array
So, clearly, the token refreshing is either
a) not happening
b) happening in a context that doesn't push the token back up to my client
Can I be provided with some sample code to manually refresh the token?
Or guidance on storing the refreshed token so that the app will function?
Seeing as I already run cron jobs to seed data, adding another (check if token is refreshed ? do token refresh) block of code will be trivial at this point.
Many thanks!