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I am building a RingCentral application on a server that for security purposes will not take any POST/GET variables other than a specified one. When I try to authenticate, the response url which contains the code as a query string variable with the variable name "code", causes my server to stop the script from running. I would like to change the variable name in the response url that contains the authorization code. Is this possible? Can it be done using response_type? RingCentral specifies on the API that response_type must be set to "code" so I'm not sure. Any advice would be highly appreciated.

The parameter named "code" is a required field in the OAuth 2.0 standard, IETF RFC 6749, so it is commonly used and accepted.

The behavior of your server sounds odd. Is this logic part of your own application code or a framework you are using? Do you know why it does this and whether the logic be changed?
The logic is part of a framework I am using and it cannot be changed.  I imagine it is to protect the server from attacks hidden in GET/POST requests.
What are my options?
