Hoping to get some help here as I have ran a ton of tests to confirm that this issue is not caused by something I am doing wrong. I currently have an app that makes calls to API to collect call log info. That app is working fine and is in production. Recently, I needed to add some permissions to the app and since you cannot do that in a production app, I created a new one with the same permissions as the old one and a couple more. During that process, it had also created me a new sandbox account since the one I used for the original app had expired. This new sandbox account had a new phone # and extension associated with it. Didn't seem that it would be a big deal but it is. I can request the token just fine and the response comes back with the appropriate permissions:
"access_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx....", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 3600, "scope": "ReadMessages ReadAccounts SMS ReadCallLog",
Even doing a simple test in postman using that token to the call-log endpoint, it generates a permission error
Header contains the Authorization key with a value of Bearer followed by the token returned from the response above but states insufficient permissions.
[ReadCompanyCallLog] have to be granted to the authorized user.",
"errors": [ { "errorCode": "CMN-408",
"message": "In order to call this API endpoint, one of the following permissions [ReadCompanyCallLog] have to be
granted to the authorized user.",
"permissionsName": "ReadCompanyCallLog" } ],
"permissionsName": "ReadCompanyCallLog"
Not sure what the issue is here but I have tried different methods to send the post requests and nothing is working. Oddly, if I use the API explorer and use the "Try it out", it works fine but any request outside that environment is not working, aside from the app I already have it production so it just appears to affect the calls to the dev area. Any ideas?