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I use PHP SDK.

I try to get call recording content. For example,


SDK using curl. Curl send request and receive response:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden Server: nginx/1.8.0 Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2015 09:00:52 GMT Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 222 Connection: keep-alive RCRequestId: 494861 RoutingKey: SJC12P01PAS02 X-LoadMetric: 6 WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="RingCentral REST API", error="insufficient_scope" X-ERROR-ID: b88c2180-2f44-48e5-833c-b08e44ac997e Content-Language: en-US X-REQUEST-ID: 494861 { "errorCode" : "InsufficientPermissions", "message" : "Specific application permission required", "errors" : [ { "errorCode" : "CMN-401", "message" : "Specific application permission required" } ] }  

I don't know what I must do it.

Help me please

Go to your application information in the app please copy and paste them here. Your app may not have the correct API Permissions defined. You should see a permission like "Read Call Recordings". If that isn't present you need to add it to your app please. The other possibility is your account somehow did not receive the correct credentials to access call recordings. Could yout also share your App Name here as well and I can confirm/fix if this is the issue.
