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Call1: {{baseUrl}}/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~

Call2: {{baseUrl}}/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/

Please help me understand the significance of ~ in the API call.

Thank you

The tilde sign after the account (account/~) means the account id of the RingCentral account which the currently authenticated user belongs to.

The tilde sign after the extension (extension/~) means the extension id of the currently authenticated user.

So presumed that your account id is 610000011 and your extension id is 612002824, then


will be translated in RingCentral server as


Thank you for response.

There is an issue here and let's keep the focus on these two calls.

Call1: {{baseUrl}}/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~

This call returns one entry business_address information with an id

Call2: {{baseUrl}}/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/

This call returns all the extensions for an account with an id

I am trying to build a fact_table that has all extensions, with business_address information. What is the best the way to build it. Please note, I cannot use id to join data between these two calls. The only way to do it, seems to parse the URI.

I think account_id is needed as part of the response. Please help

Thank you


The "Call1" is for reading a particular extension info. This API gives you more detailed info of an extension.

The "Call2" is for listing all extensions under an account. This API gives you less detailed (basic) info of each extension under an account. The list API can be filtered by extension types as well.

Remember that in RingCentral, the "Account" term means "a company" and the "Extension" term (user extension) means "an employee".

So it's up to what info of an extension you want to read, then you can decide which API you should use. You can check the response from each API and decide which one to use. If you end up in using the read extension API (Call 1), then you have to call the list extensions API (Call 2) to grab all the extension ids (or part of them filtered by type) then use the extension id to read detailed info of that extension.
