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Problem connecting Alexa with RingCentral Messaging

  • 29 December 2017
  • 2 replies

I have created an Alexa skill based on a post by Phong Vu for Turning Alexa into Your Personal Messaging Assistant. When I invoke my skill Alexa says "Hi <MyName>Unfortunately, your account does not support SMS message."

I have confirmed that my sandbox account has the SMS permission granted.

So what do I need to do to resolve this issue?

Hi Hack, The error message is just for all failures. Can you log the error/response and see what is the actual reason why it failed. + Phong
Hi Phong,

It seems to fail where the comment shows "should check if there is no direct number" in the index.js file of my Lambda function.  The CloudWatch log doesn't show any errors.

