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In this code, I get the error for rcsdk.token.access_token.Length and rcsdk.Restapi().Account().Extension().PhoneNumber().Get(); like "The name 'rcsdk' doesn't exist in the current context"

static private async Task read_extension_phone_number()
if (rcsdk.token.access_token.Length > 0)
var resp = await rcsdk.Restapi().Account().Extension().PhoneNumber().Get();
foreach (var record in resp.records)
if (record.usageType == "DirectNumber")
foreach (var feature in record.features)
if (feature == "SmsSender")
goto LoopEnd;

How can I fix it?

And also why this var string try to be a bool?

const string RINGCENTRAL_PRODUCTION = false;

Code from here

Thanks for the report. I will fix and update the quick start it as soon as I can.

Meanwhile, just change the string to bool and rcsdk to restClient
