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RealTimeUpdates/Webhook event is not working for DoNotDisturb of RingCentral adapter when changing state from state Invisible to DoNotDisturb.

Steps :

  1. Login with sandbox number in RC Phone app
  2. Change the status to Invisible
  3. Now change the status to DoNotDisturb

Actual Result : We are getting the same webhook event as Offline for both Invisible and DonotDisturb status.

Expected Result : For DoNotDisturb status, we should get DoNotDisturb as presenceStatus.

Application using : RingCentral Phone app.


Hope this issue will get fixed. Will be waiting for the issue to be fixed.

Thanks in advance!

Usha Naidu

Email :

Contact : +919890379325

What is the presence notification status you showed above? Is that the one you said it does not work?

DND status already shows 'TakeAllCalls' / 'DonotAcceptAnyCalls' when you switch DND right?
Presence is Aggregated presence status, calculated from a number of sources which mean that is is the status of the device - Offline, Busy, Available
