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I need to have a possibility to send sms form different users with different phone numbers. Support Team recommended me setup connection from different users. The app I`m creating is integration between RingCentral and Salesforce.

I created another test account, made the same in there and it works. In this account I got the error but all credentials are correct. I am using password from service as required.

Client Id: B6pLS5gTR4a3wseciBk2fg
@Phong Vu Could you please help
I don't know what you meant by saying "creating another test account.". Can you give me the test account id or its main company number?.

I see that you have 2 apps, one is in the production and one is still in the sandbox environment. The app client id "B6pLS5gTR4a3wseciBk2fg" is still in the sandbox environment. And there is only 1 user extension in your sandbox account (and that is you).

To login the app in the sandbox environment, you have to use login credentials of user(s) who are under the sandbox account. Thus, not any user under the production account.

There is also a fundamental problem in the public app which was graduated by our support engineer. You cannot have a public app with Server only/ (No UI) platform type.

I am not sure about your use case yet, but here are the options:

1. If you want different users with different phone numbers under the SAME RINGCENTRAL ACCOUNT to use your app, you need a **private app** with the "Server/Web" platform type.
2. If you want different users with different phone numbers from DIFFERENT RINGCENTRAL ACCOUNTS to use your app, you need a **public app** with the "Server/Web" platform type.

Let me know which option above is your use case so I can help to change your app settings accordingly.

@Phong Vu I am trying to connect using 3-legged authentication and getting the following error:

"errorCode" : "OAU-165",

message" : "Sandbox client is not allowed: B6pLS5gTR4a3wseciBk2fg"

sample code I am using:

Http http = new Http();

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();



HttpResponse response = http.send(req);

System.debug('response.getStatus : ' + response.getStatus());

System.debug('res.getBody()' + response.getBody());

I am using correct client id, so could you help me resolve the issue

This endpoint is not for sandbox


Sandbox platform server is

@Phong Vu

I am trying to login via 3-legged authorization but got the error with invalid credentials. All credentials are correct, also to be sure I changed the password but it didn`t help.

I made a test:
As I texted before I`ve created another account for testing and succesfully authorized with that credentails.

I had issue with phone number(I coudn`t send sms from sandbox account) with jwt authorization. Also tried before to authorize with password authorization and got similar error. All of those authorizations I tried in totally different created account and all work. But not with this account. So I suppose the issue in particular account
