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RegisterDevice creates a SIP device with no valid Emergency Address

  • 14 February 2022
  • 4 replies

I'm testing using the Sandbox. I would like my application to register a softphone (my own stack) so I'm trying to get and use the SIP credentials for the current logged-in user.

I call the Register Device method ( with Transport set to UDP. This gives me the SIP credentials that I need.

Then I register my softphone. However when I make test calls with the softphone then I hear the phrase "You cannot use this phone because you have not registered your address for E911 emergency calling purposes using this phone". I do not hear this phrase when using any of the user's other devices (ie RC Phone, Yealink).

To fix it, I tried to follow up the Register with a call to Update Device ( to set the Emergency Address for the device. However, this request requires me to have the "EditAccounts" privilege, and that one is not in the list that I can request.

Please can you tell me where I'm going wrong in this process?

What is your app client id?

My App's Client ID is: Gg5FnfxXQVaI4qfNcttVoA

Are you working with BYOD devices , RC Softphone or Webphone?

One way you can add emergency address is by logging into Service Web ( -> User -> Phone Number. - > Edit Emergency Address here:


If you are using WebPhone -> OAuth flow has a way to update emergency address for Webphone devices .

Lemme know if that works for you

Thanks, vyshakhbabji. I'm using a BYOB device.

The device that I create using CreateSipRegistration doesn't appear in the the portal as per your screenshot. There, I only see my two permanent devices.

