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Request for [Meeting] permission in a sandbox

  • 19 April 2023
  • 3 replies


I'm trying to test the meeting API with our sandbox app but getting the CMN-408 error: "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [Meetings] permission".

I saw the similar questions here and sent a request to the support for enabling the meeting feature in the sandbox some time ago but haven't received a response.

Could someone please help with enabling meetings in our sandbox? The main phone number is +13234864043.


What API do you exactly want to use? If you plan to use the RCM Meetings then it is not recommended as those APIs are deprecated and are present just for legacy purpose.

RCM meetings enabled for your sandbox. For RCV, please explore this Dev Guide.

Thank you!

However, now it returns 'service unavailable' error:

"errorCode" : "MET-106",
"message" : "Cannot create meeting. Reason : [Remote service unavailable]"

From the other threads I see that it may be a temporary issue, is that correct? If not, could you assist with that please?
