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resource for parameter accountid is not found when tryinfg to send fax

  • 27 October 2020
  • 2 replies

Trying to send fax using the example code: this is throwing:

Resource for parameter [accountId] is not found

The code I am using

from ringcentral import SDK

rcsdk = SDK("xxxxx...", "xxxxx...", "")
platform = rcsdk.platform()
platform.login("+15551212", "101", "password")
accountId= "+phonenumber"
extensionId= "101"
builder = rcsdk.create_multipart_builder()
'to' :[{'phonenumber': recipient}],
'faxresolution': "High'",
'coverPageText': "This is a fax page sent to you automatically"
request = builder.request(f'/restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}/fax')
resp = platform.send_request(request) #Exception here

My question is what is tbe accountId, I ave been using the phonenumber listed in my account. There seems to be no other reference to accountid anywhere?

You can use to get your account id number in response as Id

Thanks, I seem to be getting the accountid, however, when I try to run the above code, I get
resource not found

at this point:
platform.login("+15551212", "101", "password")

What Am I missing?
