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I have a chatbot created that is already working on a sandboxed Glip. The bot's feature is to retrieve "Events" created from a specified date. Example:

"Bot what events did we run in March 2018?"

BOT: "We ran the Call and Contact Centre Expo"

Currently there is no documentation for getting "Event" posts in a specific Glip group.

Is there any API URL endpoint I could use to retrieve "Events"?

Jan Michael Intia,

What kind of events are your looking for? Using Glip Subscription you can subscribe to the Glip Post and Group events using webhooks or Pub Nub. 

Post Events:!#GlipPostsEvent 

Group Events:!#GlipGroupsEvent

You could subscribe to webhooks as per the API Reference.   

Pawan Venugopal

Hi Pawan Venugopal,

Thank you for the prompt reply. Really appreciate it.

However, the events I'm referring to are "Calendar Events". 

Is it possible to get calendar events from a specified date? Are there any API endpoints that could retrieve calendar events?

Example scenario:
I have created an event called "SEO change: meta description on homepage" as you can see from the screenshot above dated June 14th.

An example request to the bot would be: "Bot, please show me all calendar events during the month of June".

The bot would gather all calendar events and display to the requesting user:

BOT: "Here are all the events from the month of June:
1. SEO change: meta description on homepage. June 14th, 2018
2. SEM change: changed headline. June 20th, 2018"

Many thanks,

The calendar events are not available at this moment.  It's in our roadmap and expected to be available by Mid-July 2018.  

- Pawan Venugopal

Got it! Thank you very much!
Hi Pawan,

Are the calendar events already available on the latest API?

