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RestClient authorization failed, reason: prohibited for private application

  • 25 November 2020
  • 4 replies

Hi community,

We are trying to implement RingCentral supervise by party in our software solution. We have created sandbox application and everything works fine, we can supervise, the traffic is totally fine. When we switch the application from Sandbox to Production, on authorization we got this error on authorization:

For authorization we are using RingCentral.Net library in .Net 4.5.


Method: POST, RequestUri: '', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.FormUrlEncodedContent, Headers:


X-User-Agent: Unknown/0.0.1 RingCentral.Net/4.1.0

Authorization: Basic ODgyRXRIZ3BUOU9GREs4SHp0TjI1UToxU0hTNzVnclJYMjRWakZKVjF4RHdnVmgtWmQ3ZWRTcGVpNG8waHhRMk51dw==

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Content-Length: 82


StatusCode: 400, ReasonPhrase: 'Bad Request', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:

Content: {
  "error" : "invalid_client",
  "errors" : : {
    "errorCode" : "OAU-255",
    "message" : "Access to account c423250064] is prohibited for private application",
    "parameters" : q {
      "parameterName" : "account_id",
      "parameterValue" : "423250064"
    } ]
  } ],
  "error_description" : "Access to account A423250064] is prohibited for private application"

Any help how to continue, is this some configuration issue that we are facing?

Petre Dimov

You can create a support ticket here or contact Dev support team with the issue.

Which app did you try on production? I see none of these apps has been graduated to the production yet.


Hi Phong Vu,

We have resolved the issue, i'm not using my web applications, we are using the one from our client. I have another issue regarding my testing.

During the development phase we were using your RingCentral phone (windows)

application, to automatically register device and answer the calls, that were supervised by party. During testing phase we notice that phone application is add calls on hold if there are simultaneous. So we develop and active SIP Server that will register our device and respond to the SIP messages.


We successfully registering extension programmatically in code. After every call, we supervise by party and receive event “INVITE”, on which we are trying to respond with “TRYING” and “200OK (SDP)”, in order to answer the call and receive the RTP data. After send 200OK on the INVITE we receive this error:

"errorCode" : "TAS-119",

"message" : "Can't reach deviceId specified in request".

Our registered device is online after registration.

Any suggestions?

I'm using application: WindowsDesktop, under account: .

Can you post this in a new thread. And also exclude any stuff which may not have anything to do with the problem or explain better what you do with some code snippet? Also, what transport protocol do you use when registered for a SIP device?
