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Hi there,

Will all SMS that flows through an account on different numbers be available in the Super Admin's extension?

For example, if an account has phone numbers A B and C, and if I use the Super Admin credentials to access the /restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/message-store endpoint, will I be able to read all SMS that goes through all 3 phone numbers, or do I have to use credentials for the extensions tied to those 3 numbers?

2nd question - Is it possible for an SMS to live in multiple extensions' message-store? For example, if the SMS number has a call queue with multiple agents in that call queue.

Yes, as a super admin, you can read the message store of another user extension. You need to know the extension id and read one by one (extension) using the following API.


You can read extensions id by calling the list extension API

For your 2nd question. No, call queue members do not have access to the call queue extension (with a direct number). The call queue manager can access the message store of that number though.

Thanks @Phong Vu . Can super admins subscribe to Webhook notifications (Events) from other extensions?

That's right.
