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We are using this API to fetch Meeting details from each user in an organization. We use 3-legged OAuth Flow to authentication and access the API through an access token. We are facing following issues,

1. Only the user who granted the access can retrieve the list of his/her Scheduled meetings.

2. Other users are getting below issue from the same token. But if we use a access token of any other user, he / she will be able to fetch details. But we need single access token to access all meetings of each user.

"errorCode": "CMN-408",
"message": "In order to call this API endpoint, user needs to have [Meetings] permission"

3. We cannot get participants of the meeting.

Is there any solution for this?

Unfortunately, there is no API to read all uses' scheduled meetings at an account level.

The error message is misleading. It is not allowed a user to read scheduled meetings of another user (even if the reader is a super admin user). The only way to read all is to use access token of each user to read its own meetings.

Thanks. Hope this is the issue. We'll look in to another solution.

@Phong Vu

So, just to calrify on this users question and your answer...

This API will not pull in all the meeting details, but going to the URL will show all the meetings from all the users?

So if we "schedule a meeting for another user" we dont see it in the API, but see it in the UI? Cause when I pull the API for this endpoint I only see meetings that are not scheduled for someone else. So how do we get all the meetings? We have to have each users credentials to check their schedules?

You wrote "So if we schedule a meeting for another user". No, you cannot schedule a meeting for another user. Each user can only schedule meetings for him/herself. The link you shared is about "/myMeetings". Do you see other users' meetings there too?

Please read this article for further info.
