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We have created a program that will download all extensions (about 2000) into a spreadsheet so we can modify and do some other things with them. During development everything went fine, but now that we are in production we cannot get more than ~100 extensions to come down.

We are using the RingCentral Nuget package, and I do not know how to set perPage setting.

Hi ,

Assuming you are using /account/~/extension API to fetch extension info ,  here is the response you will get 

  "uri" : ";,
  "records" : [ 
//ext details
  "paging" : {
    "page" : 1,
    "totalPages" : 1,
    "perPage" : 100,
    "totalElements" : 8,
    "pageStart" : 0,
    "pageEnd" : 7
"navigation" : {
    "nextPage" : {
      "uri" : ";
    "firstPage" : {
      "uri" : ";
    "lastPage" : {
      "uri" : ";

You can use "next" navigation page url to seek to next page with the list of extensions  .

This is the official NuGet package that we support:

It is possible to specify the perPage parameter.

Sample usage:

rc.RestApi().Account().Extension().List(new { perPage = 1000 });

The maximum perPage allowed is 1000. If you have more records, you still need to handle pagination. Please refer to VB's answer for pagination handling.
